What Drives Us

At Superior Doodles, we have taken something which started as a family loss turned mission/passion and turned it into a successful Breeding Program.
We breed our dogs to not only be healthy but have friendly dispositions and fit in seamlessly as incredible family pets.
Since 2018, we have been breeding for other families. Before that we only bred for ourselves. We first got started in breeding when our first Golden retriever we adopted as a couple passed away at an early age of 7 years old. Back then we didn't have a clue about genetic testing. After that hard loss of our beloved pet we decided to take breeding on first hand to ensure our next golden retriever would be the healthiest pet possible and we would get to spend as many years as we could with our next pet.
We researched and found a breeder who we liked and started with our first Golden Retriever who was genetic tested, "Mollie" the matriarch of our breeding program. She is still a part of our family today!
(Now retired, but still enjoying retirement everyday here with us!)
Since then we've added more healthy and genetic tested golden retrievers and goldendoodles into our lines and have now moved into Multigen goldendoodles.
We breed responsibly and according to the best practices of the trade, We follow the BAB Breeding curriculum.
We also implement a "6 Step" Training Program, which makes us your go-to address to find your next quality pet.
"Health Tested Parents for Healthier Doodles"